Sunday, June 30, 2024

Like Violent Protection

Resisting With Scathing Brevity

Pure unadulterated distorted NOISE.

I dare you to attempt to make it all the way through this record. lol

Sunday, June 23, 2024

ID (ahhs)

Sketches Of

Another disjointed, messed up, diverse journey through different genres of music.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Your Haircut

Looks Like A Ceiling Fan

Here is my TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH release!
This is a collab with Jason Cicola (who worked with me on the Discretionary Kayoss album a couple years ago). We wanted this one to be different, so its style is unlike anything I've ever done before.
So Cal, Mexicali-ish, folk rock? maybe?

These Boulevards

Nightlife Relations Boogie Funk, Surf Soul, laid back and groovy. Bandcamp