Here's a new group of tunes. These are more on the rock/shoegaze side of things. I've been working on them for a while, having fun along the way, of course..... I think with each record I make, things sound a little better each time. You know what they say! Practice makes perfect. I'm turning 40 in a couple weeks, so I think I'm going to get some new gear. Maybe that'll help make things sound even better on the next one!
A.K.A. Nathan Keister... records with various instruments under different project names - in as many different genres possible and posts them to this Blog.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
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Sun Duo Minority
Better Sun Another installment of the Collin Pryor/Nathan Keister collab chronicles! Weird Electro, breakbeat goodness. Enjoy Bandcamp
Skeleton. Hand. Evil. New TF record! These jams spawned from the last sessions that made Sa Coma Limbo. This is in essence, part two. ...
Don't Actually Say This record is a Percussive & Ambient. There's a mix you don't hear that often! It has live ins...